zur Website AK|T (Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz)

Ballettschule des Hamburg Ballett

„Spring and Fall“

Music: Antonín Dvorák, Serenade E-Dur op.22
Choreography: John Neumeier

1. Satz: Christopher Evans, Dale Rhodes, Eliot Worrell
4. Satz: Aurore Aleman-Lissitzky, Christopher Evans, Dale Rhodes, Eliot Worrell 

In this ballet with Dvoráks music it is not about the story. Way more imporant is the movement theme, which I see in the constant change between tenseness and relaxation within the music - a musical line, which breaks down again and again to be revised.

The title is based on a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins: »spring« does not only name the season "spring", but means in german language as well "jump" - the same with »fall« that besides the season means "to fall". And that's is, what the content of ballet is for me: "Jump" concentrates forces to reach up and "Fall" leaves forces out - relaxation - and leads us back towards the earth. If I think about ballet today, it seems to start with the concentrated forces of three men in one. It ends with the fragmentation - fusion - of this force (Yin und Yang) in man an woman… it's final allows all opportunities and they flood towards the audience...
John Neumeier


A Project by the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz, organized by the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, funded by the Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung