zur Website AK|T (Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz)

Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin in Kooperation mit der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst 'Ernst Busch' Berlin

„Chopiniana“, Walzer-Cis-Moll
Music: Frederik Chopin in a orchestra version from Alexander Glasunow
Choreography: Michail Fokin
Production: Marta Diminich, Heike Keller, Harry Müller
Dance: Alisa Bartels und Christopher Carduck, 8th and 9th year of education

„Karneval in Venedig“  Solovariation from „Satanella“ Pas de deux
Music: Cesare Pugni
Choreography: Marius Petipa
Production: Olaf Höfer
Dance: Ryosuke Morimoto, 8th year of education

Duet „ Mit Dir“
Music: Sandrine Piau " Le premier cri"
Choreography and Production: Jean-Hugues Assohoto
Dance: Julia Schalitz und Christopher Carduck,  9th year of education

“Don Quijote” Kitri Solovariation from the 3 Akt
Music: Léon Minkus
Choreografphy: Marius Petipa
Production: Heike Keller
Dance: Alisa Bartels, 8the year of education

„Le Corsaire“ Solovariation                                                                                                                              Music: Adolphe Adam
Choreography: Marius Petipa
Procution: Christoph Böhm
Dance: Ryosuke Morimoto, 8th year of education

„Chopiniana“ ist eines der umfassendsten Werke des tänzerischen Erbes. Es umfasst sowohl die Epoche des Romantischen Balletts, weil es die Romantik in Ausstattung und Anmutung aufnimmt, als auch die Epoche des Klassischen Balletts, weil es mit den tänzerisch-choreografischen Mitteln des Klassischen Tanzes gestaltet. Mit ihm beginnt aber auch bereits die Phase der Moderne im Bühnentanz, weil auf die dramatische Konfliktgestaltung verzichtet wird und das Werk als eines der ersten gilt, die als work in progress entstanden ist.

Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin has been founded in 1951. It is an elite school that has a special educational imprint and is marked by the combination of professional education for stage dancers and general school education. Under the artistic direction of „Berliner Kammertänzer“ Professor Gregor Seyffert (Laureate of „Prix Benois de la Danse“ and German Dance Price) the subject "Classical Dance" is teached 12 hours per week as a major subject based on the Waganowa-Method.

During their education our students have the chance to perform in the frame of intern and extern events. Elected students from different levels regularly present a gala program at several theatres in Germany and abroad. Graduates are dancing in almost all professional ensembles nation- and worldwide.

To become a dancer doesn't need to remain a dream
Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin belongs to the major education institutions for professional stage dance. Students and teachers from Germany and more than 20 other countries are meeting here in a respectful way in order to perfect the world language of dance and bring it to artistic mastership, technical virtuosity, dance creativity and performance maturity.

The pedagogic concept, that successfully combines practical artistic subjects with general education subjects, gives young students the chance to gain a graduation as "Bachelor of the Arts" as well as the A Levels or a vocational diploma. The bachelor study path "Stage Dance" which is offered in cooperation with renowned Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ Berlin is a model of success in our country. 90% of our graduates find their way into professional dance work directly. Furthermore extern statistics - which asked students and parents - say that 90% of our students "like to go to school". This argues for our high demand and professionality, as well as for a learing environment, which is marked by a high degree of attention and support. In the year 2010/2011 the school has moved into its 24 Million Euro new building, which is the biggest, best featured and state-of-the-art education centre for ballet in our country.



A Project by the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz, organized by the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, funded by the Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung