zur Website AK|T (Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz)

Workshop V

Dance Heritage from a Bournonville Perspective with Frank Andersen and Dinna Bjørn

Dance is an art because it demands vocation, knowledge, and ability. It is a fine art, because it strives for an ideal, not only in plastic, but also in lyrical respect. The beauty which dance ought to aspire is not dependent upon taste or pleasure, but is founded on the immutable laws of nature. The art of mime encompasses all the feelings of the soul.

Dance, on the other hand, is essentially an expression of joy, a desire to follow the rhythms of the music. Joy is a strength; intoxication, a weakness. The beautiful always retains the freshness of novelty, while the astonishing soon grow tiresome. Dance can, with the aid of music, rise to the heights of poetry.

On the other hand, through an excess of gymnastics, it can also degenerate into buffoonery. So-called "difficult" feats can be executed by countless adepts, but the appearance of ease is achieved only by a chosen few. The height of artistic skill is to know how to conceal the mechanical effort and strain beneath harmonious calm.

This is a little excerpt from the ….. by August Bournonville – written almost 150 years ago, but still as fresh as if it was written today.

The idea for my crash workshop in Frankfurt to introduce the man, August Bournonville, his ballets and repertoire, his style and his mime.

He was artistic director in Denmark for the Royal Danish Ballet for more than 40 years starting in 1830 at 25 years of age and ending with his retirement in 1877. He was also director in Vienna from 1855 to 1856, and in Stockholm 1861 to 1864.


His six daily classes – named Monday to Saturday – consisted of almost 150 different enchainments. Collected and put together as daily classes by his successor Hans Beck.

In the workshop, we are going to work on the Wednesday Class.

He created more then 50 ballets and divertissements, as well as many entrees in operas and dramas. His most famous ballets are: La Sylphide, A Folktale, Kermesse In Bruges, Napoli, Lifeguards on Amager, Conservatoire, Far From Denmark, La Ventana and PDD from Flower Festival in Genzano and PDD from Wilhelm Tell. In the workshop, we are going to work on PDD from Flower Festival In Genzano.

Bournonville-Mime is very famous and is used more and more as an example of non- verbal communication. In his ballets, mime is used as a definite expression and as a means of simple communication between people. His ballets are never abstract and he is always composing and choreographing about normal people. However, he has also created some ballets about Nordic Gods.

He made ballet a respected art form and managed to raise the wages for the dancers to the same level as in opera and drama. He also established the first state pension system for art workers in Denmark - a system that is still in full effect today.

It is my hope that, through this workshop, I shall be able to provide more information about this great dancer.

Space: Dance Studio 1 or 2


A Project by the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz, organized by the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, funded by the Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung