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zur Website AK|T (Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz)

Prof Dr. Claudia Jeschke

Studied theater science and german language in Munich. 1979 doctorate. Scientific assistant between 1980 and 1990 at the Institute for Theatre Science in Munich, 1994 Professor at the Institute for Theater Science in Leipzig, state doctorate. 2000 Professor for dance science at the University for Music in Cologne. Since 2004 chair for dance science at Salzburg University. Guest professor at european and american universities. Claudia Jeschke works as well as a dramaturg, choreographer, exhibition maker and author of TV formats dealing with dance. She publicated numerous scientific works, in which she exlpores dance history as an educated dancer mainly based on movement analytics and practice oriented aspects. The connection of History, theory and practice is documented in many reconstructions on dance phenomenons of the 18th, 19th and 20th century.


Participant Panel Digital Tools


A Project by the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz, organized by the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, funded by the Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung