zur Website AK|T (Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz)

Nina Vallon

Contemporary Dance

A healthy practice of ballet technique for contemporary dancers involves and implies a deeper understanding and integration of principles such as épaulement and opposition, knowing how to work with one's own body, adapting and making form secondary to embodiment. Ballet can be a very efficient tool for contemporary dance training if form is treated as a result and not as a goal.



During the first part of this class, dancers will have time to warm up their bodies with a rather simple ballet barre before coming to the center. Throughout the whole class, focus will be on musicality and personal coordination, finding out how to release in the joints, especially in the hips, to be able to move freely and safely. In other words: to dance.

Freelance Choreographer / Dancer / ID_Frankfurt


Room: HfMDK / Dance Studio 1


A Project by the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz, organized by the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, funded by the Ministerium für Bildung und Forschung