After completing his dance training, Ingo Reulecke studied choreography at the School for Drama “Ernst Busch” Berlin. He has received various prizes for his choreographies and been invited to numerous festivals in Germany and abroad, e.g. with the production “EKLIPSE” 1997 to the German Dance Platform in Munich and the International Choreography Competition in Bagnolet/France. In 1998, he went to NYC for a year with a DAAD scholarship. The piece “Diminuendo 2” received First Prize in 2006 at the VorOrt Festival in Münster. He collaborated with Lukas Matthaei in the piece “unsere tage wie schatten”for the FFT Düsseldorf and in 2008, was artistic director of the TMA at the Kunstfest Weimar. In 2009, he again worked with Lukas Matthaei for “2109” and with Ayat Nafaji for “Lady Tehran”.
In 2006, Ingo Reulecke as appointed head of the Dance Department at the School for Drama “Ernst Busch”.