Gradueted Ballet Teacher at National Accademy of Dance Rome. Gradueted at Folkwang Hochschule Essen. Studied Limón Technique and worked as dancer, assistant to professor Libby Nye and Alice Condodina and reconstructor of Limón’s repertory for Tanztheater Hagen, Folkwang Universitaet der
Kunste and Puglia Ballet. Danced for Tanztheater Munster by Daniel Goldin and Tanztheater Hagen by Renate Killmann. Danced for Rodolpho Leoni, Mark Siecskarèk, Malou Airaudo, Bernd Uwe Marzaan, Norbert Steinwarz. Danced Humphrey, Limón, Sokolow and Hoving’s repertory reconstructed by Ernestine
Stodelle, Libby Nye, Jim May and Alice Condodina. Degree in Contemporary Dance Pedagogy II at Folkwang Universitaet der Kunste. Since 2005 works in Italy as dancer and coreographer collaborating with actors, singers and musicians. Trainer for Tanztheater Hagen, Tanztheater Kassel, Company Corte Sconta
Milan, Accademia Perduta Forlì, University of Bologna, is actually guest teacher for modern dance at Folkwang Universitaet der Kunste.